Monday, July 13, 2009

My Kinda Town....CHICAGO IS

Here are a few pics taken about three weeks ago! I love Chicago what a fantastic city. We (me and Tom) love exploring downtown!! Walking thru the neighborhoods, going to the museums, trying new foods and of course going to the top of the Hancock building!!! This city pic is taken from the ladies room!
And isn't this the best a water taxi!!!!
There's Tom happy as can be with a nice drink!
CHEERS! Michele


Piper Jacquelyn said...

I love Chicago! I may be my top city in the country. The water taxi is hilarious. I think they should have more, haha!

Mari said...

Beautiful pictures - especially the one taken from the rest room! I am not a city girl, but I love Chicago and it's my favorite big city!

Suzann said...

Ah Chicago. My absolute favorite city. Sometimes I wish I lived there, but hubby could never do it. I'm just blessed to live close enough to drive or jump on a train and be there in minutes.

Tootsie said...

never been anywhere except Orlando Florida!!! I know ...sad.
you asked about the stain on your cupboards?
I did not sand that dresser, but it had been painted with latex paint, o I knew the stain would stick to it for sure. I am famous for not sanding much, priming, painting things cream color and washing it over with what ever color of gel stain I can get my hands on!
I think I would be nervous to tackle your cupboards...unless you were not worried about them being perfect! if they have a shiny varnish, I would sand them for sure just to get the shiny off!!! then it's good to go!


Hi Michele,
Thanks for stopping by..and it's fun to meet blogging buddies who enjoy the same things as I do!
LOVE your pupppies!!
I've been to the early 70's!!! It would be fun to visit again!
Deb :)

Anonymous said...

YAY! I love Chicago too! I moved from NYC but since I delivered 2 babies here now consider it my home!! Love it!! I think your blog is super fun too!